About our Apiary

Oh Honey !!!

Our honey is local

We currently have 40 hives all located in Schriever, LA. Consuming local honey has many health benefits !!! The pollen they collect and bring back is sourced from local plants. Since many seasonal allergies are caused by these same plants , eating honey that contains that pollen can help combat those allergies.

Our products are pure

Most store bought honey has added corn syrup and other preservatives to help with longer shelf life. Our honey is straight from the hive !!!

Our hives are free of chemicals

We never use chemicals to treat our hives. We believe in letting the bees live as naturally as can "bee". Raw pure honey possesses a natural antibiotic property due to the enzymes bees produce. In fact it's one of the best natural antibiotics !

Featured collection

  • Mermaid sparkle cold process soap
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  • Plain Jane goat milk cold process soap
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  • Plain Jane goat milk soap
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  • Geaux tigers cold process soap
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    Sold out


Just got my honey yesterday, I eat some almost everyday, so keep it coming!

Carolyn Dishman

I’ve recently tried their honey and I am over the moon about them! Clean and flavorful!! They take pride in caring and protecting the honeybees! Check them out! I plan on wanting more in the future!

Drew Barrilleaux

Just ordered 2 bottles and they are delicious.

Beth Melancon Bonvillain
  • Family Owned & Operated

  • Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24

Family Owned & Operated

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24

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